1. Sign Up
  2. Account information/ Input
  3. Account information/ Confirmation
  4. Create an Account / Completed

Account information/ Input

If you have registered as a speaker in any session at this conference, you are considered to have agreed to Declaimer and Terms for Speakers, Guidelines for Quotation, and Notes for Participation and Presentation.
Before registering as a speaker, never fail to check the "Terms and agreements for Speakers at our spring or fall conference".

Please proceed and create your account of "MMIJ Fall Meeting 2023, Matsuyama".
the account can be used to register for Oral presentation / Poster presentation's regestration and register for the conference and pay the registration fee.

(Important reminders)
To submit for the presentation, one of the authors must create a conference account. The system automatically uses the account name and puts it on the list of authors and cannot be removed.

Account information

Member Type
MMIJ status (Member or Nonmember.)

If you are a MMIJ member, please enter your membership number

Name Required

If you don’t have a family name, please input “hyphen (-)”.

Email address Required

This email address will be used to send important documents, so make sure that the address is correct.

Telephone number of your office.


Zip-code of your office.


Address of your office.

Example:1-2-3, Tokyo JAPAN


This information will appear in the book of abstracts including program and proceedings".

Please be consistent with the name of your organization.

Univercity: Only put your university’s name and avoid abbreviations. Do not put here the name of your laboratory/division/department/faculty.
* Example: Correct: The University of Tokyo,
Wrong: Tokyo Univ.

Corporate enterprise, Research institute: Only put your company’s name and avoid abbreviations. Do not put the name of your section/department.
* Example: Correct: The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan, Wrong: MMIJ

Without affiliation: Just input “without affiliation”.

Affiliations's section/department

Put here the name of your Affiliations's section/department.

Univercity: Put here the name of your laboratory/division/department/faculty.

Corporate enterprise, Research institute: Put the name of your section/department.

Without affiliation: Not required to be filled out.

Select of your language of a confirmation mail from us. Required

Log in

Log-in ID Required

Please put login ID using one-byte alphabet number mode (English mode) within 32 characters. Special characters “<” and “>” cannot be used

Password Required

Password is required to login. Please input your password using one-byte alphabet number mode (English mode) and should be more than 8 but less than 32 characters. Special characters “<” and “>” cannot be used.

Confirm Password Required